Build early literacy skills with engaging, proven-effective texts and digital resources. RIGOR provides support for older newcomers and other ELs at preliterate or primary reading levels.
Content that meets RTI guidelines for Tier II and Tier III intervention
Leveled texts covering science and social studies topics
Weekly, easy-to-use, grab-and-go skill bags with explicit 5-day Teacher’s Guides and Assessment & Practice Books
Flexible scheduling for language arts blocks or extended day
Interactive digital learning.
Reader's Theater
Multi-leveled scripts include roles at a range of reading levels, so that mixed-ability groups can learn curriculum content and explore literature together.
Reader’s Theater invites PreK-Grade 8+ students to participate in learning that is both active and enjoyable, with parts to play at a range of reading levels, allowing diverse learners to strengthen comprehension and vocabulary, and improve literacy skills and content knowledge.
Do The Math
Math is about more than finding the correct answer. It's about using numerical reasoning to find the best strategy for solving a problem. Created by Marilyn Burns, one of America's most trusted math educators, and a team of master educators, Do The Math® provides flexible, classroom-tested instruction for building numerical reasoning and confidence. Whether used for core instruction in numerical reasoning, pull-out intervention, or summer school settings, Do The Math provides effective instruction at any elementary grade level.