PreK - 12th Grade
Gentryrose Educational Materials is dedicated to helping you find the right solutions for your students. We partner with the leading educational publishers to bring innovative, research-based, valuable materials to you and your schools!
Dynamite Decodables
Blast off to literary success! Engage your students with 100 new decodable stories your students can't put down.
Builds student confidence and mastery by helping students “crack the code” through humorous, knowledge-building, and diverse decodable readers.
Adheres to the tenets of Structured Literacy and Science of Reading research through phonological awareness, sound-spelling relationships, vocabulary, comprehension, fluency, and connected reading and writing.
Encourages family involvement with take-home books and home-school connections.​​

Decodable Fluency Builders
Build fluency, develop comprehension, and apply phonics skills. for Grades K-1. Driven by Science of Reading research, Decodable Fluency Builders features a wealth of robust, high-quality texts that provide authentic decoding experiences to help build fluency—the bridge to comprehension.​

Catch-Up Readers
Decodables for older students (Grades 3-8)
Age appropriate, hi-interest, decodable phonics books and workbooks for older, struggling readers. Exciting stories and instantly engaging illustrations will interest even the most reluctant of older readers.
Catch-up Readers includes ideal tools, materials and resources for educators working with reading intervention.
Story Shares
Diverse and relevant books for older readers (Grades 4-12)
It can be challenging to work with students who are struggling in school because of their lower literacy skills, and who don't want to practice with books written for much younger kids. Storyshares brings new choices that will connect with your students at any level, and keep them reading.
Not your typical decodable, Storyshares provides choices that meet readers at their individual intersections of reading ability and interest.
Controlled, Science of Reading-aligned chapter books for secondary students
6 x 9" paperbacks designed to look & feel like popular YA books
Diverse, compelling, relatable characters
Topics and themes built around young adult interests
Photographs to aid comprehension
Interdisciplinary texts and concepts
Resources to guide & support classroom use
Comprehensive literacy resource leverages technology, community, and best practices in literacy to support struggling readers in middle school, high school, and beyond.