Gentryrose Educational Materials is dedicated to helping you find the right solutions for your students. Established in 2006, we have extensive classroom and leadership experience. We partner with the leading educational publishers to bring innovative, research-based, valuable materials to you!
Our unmatched personal service saves you time AND money. We pride ourselves in seeking out the perfect customized solutions for all levels: infant through high school. We guarantee to help you find the magic mix that will empower your learners to achieve higher results.
You are one of a kind... so are we!
Contact us to learn more or request samples!
Meet the woman behind Gentryrose Educational Materials...

Angie Meyer​, M.Ed.
CEO | Senior Resource Specialist
For nearly three decades, Angie Meyer has worked in school districts empowering both teachers and students. She relentlessly researches materials to find the newest, most innovative resources for the convenience of teachers and administrators. Angie works with multiple companies; therefore, she ensures that you get a match appropriate for your needs.